dimecres, 9 de desembre del 2009


The new cd for the Casualties.

1. Carry on the Flag
2. We Are All We Have
3. Heart Bleeds Black
4. Rise and Fall
5. Apocalypse Today
6. War Is Business
7. In The Tombs

1. Stand Against Them All
2. Depression - Unemployment Lines
3. Looking Thru Bloodshot Eyes
4. Lonely on the Streets - Jersey City
5. Life Clone
6. Clockwork
7. Rockers Reggae (Working Mans Dub)

Great cd Joan listen listen the new cd ;)

dimecres, 2 de desembre del 2009

the weekend very very long 4 days yesssssss.

Friday?? pass the examen and friday night... relax is recommended

friday relax, saturday relaz, sunday relax, monday relax, tuesday relax...... and wednesday?? don't worry you relax again.

dilluns, 30 de novembre del 2009

I studied everyday for exam of english pass is possible but is difficult, hard.


Tomorrow exam of phylosophy very hard Plató the hippiee of Greece.

But Juan is time to think.

Pass the exams, pass the exams, pass the exams.

dimecres, 18 de novembre del 2009

I pass exam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! party party wischy wischy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But next week I will two examens Spanish and History.

And the first week of Decembre I will four exams:

- Tuesday ---> philosophy
- Wednesday ---> economy
- Thursday ---> catalan
- Friday ---> english

diumenge, 15 de novembre del 2009

Today I did project.

The project is a punk history, place born, why appeared and what the impact on the world.

And the final part I explain the group in concret: The Casualties.

divendres, 13 de novembre del 2009

Today exam of book THE CREATIVE IMPULSE AND OTHER STORIES.... failed of course.

dijous, 5 de novembre del 2009

November ... two months and Christmas.
The notes are a little low but will rise since the second quarter.
English? first failed test, try again.

dissabte, 10 d’octubre del 2009

Eloy and I went to the Montmelo circuit to go to witness the Spanish championship race speed.

We saw Jorge Lorenzo and ask for an autograph and to take a photo with us. Gladly accepted.

In the category of 1000 cc, 600 motorcycles were also competing, but are prototypes and are not street bikes ready to race.

Marc Marquez, Marc Martin, Tiriti cardus and many more we signed autographs and posed for photos with usA perfect day.
Eloy and I went to the Montmelo circuit to go to witness the Spanish championship race speed.

We saw Jorge Lorenzo and ask for an autograph and to take a photo with us. Gladly accepted.

In the category of 1000 cc, 600 motorcycles were also competing, but are prototypes and are not street bikes ready to race.

Marc Marquez, Marc Martin, Tiriti cardus and many more we signed autographs and posed for photos with usA perfect day.

dilluns, 21 de setembre del 2009


Friday I went to concert in Campevanol.

Played Gatillazo, Eskamot, Autista Punk and Randellaires.

The concert started at 12 o'clock.

The first group to play was Eskamot.

This style is Punk Metal very quickly.

And the secong group to play was Gatillazo.

Singer was Evaristo, very famous.

Was next to the speakers and we were stunned after the concert.